ED “Epigraph”

The electronic databases of the Epigraph publishing house are a modern technological approach to electronic libraries. Simple interface, fast intelligent search and database of the best textbooks for universities.

Electronic library “Epigraph” www.elib.kz/search It is a collection of more than 3000 titles of textbooks and teaching aids for higher educational institutions of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Many of the presented publications are bestsellers. The collection of textbooks is presented on 700 thousand pages with full-color illustrations and is updated with novelties in the amount of 500 to 800 titles annually. Textbooks and manuals are presented, both in Kazakh, Russian and English.

Link to the website of electronic textbooks “Epigraph”  https://elib.kz/ru/search/

Access to the resource until February 03, 2026

Instructions for working with the resource