Students and staff of the West Kazakhstan Medical University named after Marat Ospanov with disabilities can register in the library remotely. It is necessary to fill out the registration card on the library’s website.
Registered readershave at their disposal full-text electronic resources of the Scientific and Medical Library, both their own (databases generated by the library) and external (subscription resources).
Remote access to licensed electronic library systems with enhanced capabilities for students with disabilities: EBS Student Advisor creates all conditions for inclusive education, enabling the use of adaptive technologies to teach people with disabilities, in particular the blind and visually impaired.
Adaptive technologies of the EBS “Student Consultant” include: A version of the website for the visually impaired (a font magnification service) that meets the requirements of existing government standards.All subscription books are available for listening using the speech synthesizer program.When reading the publication, you can use the full-screen display mode of the book. Viewing as a pdf allows you to copy text fragments to various voice-over programs.
EBS “Doctor’s consultant”, Ipr smart– electronic libraries. For a comfortable user experience, there is a text soundtrack. The site also has a version for the visually impaired. “Multimedia textbooks” published by Epigraf is a modern electronic library that includes textbooks with multimedia accompaniment, including sign language translation. These tutorials are adapted for users with hearing impairments, ensuring the availability of educational material through video accompaniment with sign language.