Как возместить утерянную книгу?

Если библиотечная книга утеряна или повреждена, она должна быть заменена изданием, изданным в течение последних двух-трех лет, с тем же содержанием, языком и количеством страниц. Издание, принимаемое в качестве замены, должно быть предназначено для высшего учебного заведения.

Categories FAQ

Как подписать обходной лист?

Читатели, подписывающие обходной лист, могут оставить электронную заявку в «Центр обслуживания обучающихся», войдя в личный кабинет Платонуса. Сотрудники научной библиотеки, согласно поступившей заявке, проверяют количество книг, имеющихся на руках у читателя, в обходном листе проставляют отметку- «согласовано, не согласовано». Если книга не сдана, то оставляется напоминание с указанием количества книг.

Categories FAQ

DB “Access Medicine”

Access Medicine is an innovative interactive resource designed to solve a wide range of tasks of training and advanced training of specialists in the field of medicine, designed to effectively organize the process of continuing education of physicians and help them in their clinical practice. AccessMedicine contains 130+ publications in the field of fundamental sciences … Read more

Platform “WebOfScience”

Web of Science (abbreviated WoS, formerly ISI Web of Knowledge) is a multidisciplinary platform that helps to quickly find, analyze and provide general access to information in the field of natural, social and humanitarian sciences, as well as the arts. The user gets integrated access to high-quality literature using a unified platform that links together … Read more

Scientific electronic library eLibrary.ru

Scientific electronic library eLibrary.RU is the largest Russian information and analytical portal in the field of science, technology, medicine and education, containing abstracts and full texts of more than 34 million scientific publications and patents, including electronic versions of more than 5,600 Russian scientific and technical journals, of which more than 4,800 journals are in … Read more

DB “Scopus”

SCOPUS is a multidisciplinary bibliographic and abstract database and a tool for tracking the citation of articles published in scientific publications. Scopus covers more than 18 thousand publications from 5 thousand scientific publishers around the world, including about 13 million patents of the USA, Europe and Japan, as well as materials of scientific conferences. Developed … Read more

ELS “Student Consultant”

“The electronic library system “Student Consultant” (EBS) is designed for medical and pharmaceutical education, providing full-text access to modern educational literature on the main disciplines studied in medical universities Link to the website of the EBS “Student Consultant” http://www.studentlibrary.ru/ Access to the resource until April 23, 2025 Individual access, one year from the date of … Read more

ELS “Doctor's Consultant”

“Doctor’s Consultant” is an electronic medical information and educational system, or library, whose resources are available on the Internet. The materials published in the “Doctor’s Consultant” were developed by leading Russian specialists on the basis of modern scientific knowledge (evidence-based medicine). The information has been prepared taking into account the position of the scientific and … Read more

“IPR SMART” digital educational resource

IPR Smart digital educational resource is a library system and convenient tools for teaching and learning on one platform. This is a new product of the company, which includes a traditional digital library and special tools for education. A new product concept is an ecosystem of resources for higher education. A new design, integration with … Read more

ELS «Book-up»

The electronic library “Book-up” provides access to educational and scientific medical literature of Russian publishers, including translations of foreign publications recognized as the best in their field by scientists and doctors around the world.Electronic medical content is intended for students, teachers, scientists and doctors. To work with ELS, you need to go to the website http://books-up.ru . … Read more

Multimedia textbooks platform

Multimedia textbooks platform — offers you a portal of multimedia textbooks with the possibility of remote reading. The multimedia tutorial contains: Text material is the main material of the textbook, presented in electronic form with the ability to search and navigate, as well as animated tables and graphs. Animations – static, dynamic 2D and 3D … Read more

ED “Epigraph”

The electronic databases of the Epigraph publishing house are a modern technological approach to electronic libraries. Simple interface, fast intelligent search and database of the best textbooks for universities. Electronic library “Epigraph” www.elib.kz/search It is a collection of more than 3000 titles of textbooks and teaching aids for higher educational institutions of the Republic of … Read more